• Dump Points in the Loddon Valley

Throughout the Loddon Valley there are numerous dump points which are accessible by the public to dispose of appropriate waste. See more details below:


  • Dump point located at the Recreational reserve on Malone Street, Boort (Public access - Free)
  • Dump point located beside the Boort Lakes Caravan Park at the end of the Boat Ramp Access Road - Godfrey Street, Boort (Public access - Free)


  • Dump point located at the Pyramid Hill Caravan Park, Victoria Street, Pyramid Hill (Public access - Free)


  • Dump point located at the Wedderburn Caravan Park in Hospital Street, Wedderburn (Private access for park guests and additional cost for public)


  • Dump point located at the Tarnagulla Recreation Reserve, Wayman Street, Tarnagulla (Public access - Donation)


  • Dump point located at the Bridgewater Caravan Park, Park Street, Bridgewater on Loddon (Private access for park guests and additional cost for public)

Please note there are strict rules regarding what you can and can't dump at these points.


  • Grey water
  • Black water
  • Chemical water treatment - used to prevent odours and aid breakdown of the waste


  • Disposable nappies
  • Sanitary items
  • Disposable wipes - even if they do say flushable!

If there is an issue when using a dump point such as a blockage, please ensure you contact the appropriate people to get it fixed. Either contact the Loddon Shire Council on 03 5494 1200 or the caravan park the dump point is located in.

Raw sewerage is public health hazard and needs to be dealt with appropriately.  By ensuring the correct waste is being disposed of we reduce the risk of blockages.

When it comes to using the dump points don’t forget the etiquette rule – leave it how you would like to find it. Use the hoses provided to clean and flush the dump point before moving on.

Where to find them?