posted on 02 Feb 22 | by

Beat the heat this summer with a great range of outdoor activities right here in the Loddon Valley. Check out our suggestions below to stay cool this summer! 


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Twilight walks

In Wedderburn, local artist Ross Currie is offering twilight guided tours of the local art scene - the stunning Birds Eye View murals. Adorned on five building these murals depict the various local bird species to the area. Why birds? Take the one hour guided tour and discover more about the artists, the birds depicted and why Wedderburn has these 
captivating murals.  

All guided tours include free entry to Ross Currie’s art studio – Cuzzs Studio - where you will see a range of artworks on display in a range of different mediums including Ross’s famous pyrography pieces.  

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Peace and serenity

Take a dip in the picturesque Bridgewater Water Hole and relax on the grass banks beside the tranquil Loddon River. While visiting make sure to visit the Bridgewater Bakery for an award winning Vanilla Slice or book a table at the Bridgewater Hotel and enjoy the outdoor dining area overlooking the Loddon River. And on a balmy summer’s night enjoy a picnic dinner or stroll along the Bridgewater River Track, it is also a superb location to watch the sunset as it reflects on the calm waters.  

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Escape the heat

Enjoy a morning tour of the Spanner Sculpture Gardens at 10am and escape the heat of the day. There you will see magnificent sculptures made from antique spanners of various sizes by the late John Piccoli. There are approximately fifty sculptures positioned around manicured lawns and gardens with an abundance of natural bird life. It's simply a delight to visit and a popular spot for locals and tourists.   

Afterwards, we recommend lunch in Boort at one of the many eateries with a visit to Little Lake Boort where you will find more incredible Spanner Sculptures along the track.  

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Magnificent night skies

Night time in the Loddon Valley is sure to leave you awestruck. Far from the city hustle and light pollution, the Loddon Valley is the best place to go Star Gazing. Popular places include Pyramid Hill, Mount Hope, Murphy’s Creek, and Kooyoora State Park just to name a few. 

On the astronomy calendar we expect to see Venus at its brightest and a meteor shower over the next month, so why not make a stay in Loddon Valley the perfect date night idea or night time photography location. Pack a camping chair or sleep under the stars in an open top swag and discover the wonders of the night sky.  

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Glistening waterways

Our beautiful waterways come alive during summer and are the perfect antidote for a hot day. Enjoy a relaxing afternoon by the water's edge with a book, have a picnic with the family, or even a spot of fishing. And for lovers of watersports and adventuring, the Loddon Valley is a fantastic place for water skiing, standup paddleboarding and canoeing.  

Where to go?  
If you’re looking for a spot to fish, try the Laanecoorie  Reservoir, Newbridge Recreational Reserve or Fernihurst and Serpentine Weirs

For water sports such as water skiing, dedicated areas are available at Bridgewater on Loddon and Little Lake Boort. We also have a great range of canoe trails at Serpentine Creek at Durham Ox, Lannecoorie and Little Lake Boort.