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Blake Slatter

Kevin Cahill Photographer

“I’m an Australian artist from country Victoria with a love for travelling and exploring. I’ve had the privilege of being able to travel throughout both the northern and southern hemispheres at a young age. My favourite place to photograph in the world is Canada and discovering its beauty is a significant reason why I picked up a camera. While I had an interest in photography at a young age, frequently borrowing my mum’s camera, I didn’t really know what I was doing and it remained a hobby for many years. After a hard time in my life I began to use photography as a way of healing. When I am out with my camera I look for the simple elegance in the native Australian environment. I enjoy an escape from the motions of life through the beauty of what can be hard to see and by just focusing on creating art. It’s not so much the location, but the experience and the people around me that inspires me. Years on, my love for photography continues to grow, along with the calibre of my artwork. I’m not the photographer I was yesterday, nor will I be the same tomorrow.”

VENUE: Godfrey and Bear, 116 Godfrey Street, Boort. 03 5455 2191.