posted on 29 May 20 | by

With some travel restrictions easing you may be feeling relieved – finally you can start exploring our region after being cooped up inside for months. 

However, it is important to note that our tourism industry will not be reopening exactly the same as it was before. There are a lot of guidelines our businesses have to follow if they choose to reopen, and there are still restrictions in place throughout the state.

Below is a checklist we recommend considering when making your plans:

  1. Read the DHHS Travel page and familiarise yourself with the guidelines in place. This covers travel within Victoria, interstate and overseas.
  2. Understand the guidelines our cafes and pubs will be adhering to. It is important to note that many of our cafes are choosing to remain takeaway only to ensure they can serve as many people as possible. 
  3. Give businesses a call beforehand and check if they have reduced opening hours or if you are required to make a booking. Our Loddon Valley Official Visitor Guide is a great place to get contact details. This can be viewed online here.
  4. It is important you book accommodation beforehand to make sure they can accommodate you within their restrictions. Do not just show up to a caravan park and assume they can have you stay.
  5. Don’t forget to check out our many nature based attractions