1. Shade
We are located in the country so if you’re after shady trees we’ve got you covered, literally! Our shady pride and joy is the Castlemaine Botanical Gardens - home to an impressive collection of native and exotic trees all suitable for rolling a picnic rug under. Whilst in the gardens, be sure to check out the largest Indian Bean tree in Victoria or retreat to the shady elegance of one of the rotundas.
The gorgeously green Oak Forest at La Larr Ba Gauwa at the base of Mount Alexander is a quiet retreat. Head to Vaughan Springs to sample refreshing mineral spring water straight from the source and find the perfect perch along the beautiful Loddon River. There’s more mineral springs at the Taradale Mineral Springs Reserve plus a creatively designed wooden playground, BBQ area and beautiful scenery along Back Creek. For a leafy area, playground and BBQ combo, duck behind Maldon's Visitor Information Centre where you'll find the Maldon Shire Gardens.