42 View Street, Bendigo VIC 3550 | |
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Student members $5/non-members $7 / accompanying teachers free / teachers not accompanying a group $10 |
This program introduces students to Body Politics, a new collection display at Bendigo Art Gallery providing ideal stimuli for folio themes, artist study and exhibitions. Resources will be provided giving insight into curatorial considerations related to the display of specific artworks in exhibitions and exhibition viewing. Teachers can value add to their day by planning to visit exhibitions at other art spaces in Bendigo such as La Trobe Art Institute and Pennyweight Walk with its new display of commissioned public artworks.
- Folio presentations and tips from high scoring students
- Analysis of how specific artworks are presented in exhibitions
- Meet the curator: Shonae Hobson will discuss ideas communicated by artists and the considerations of curators in the preparation and presentation of specific artworks in the current exhibition Body Politics.
- Curator introduction to La Trobe Art Institute current exhibition
Body Politics
In acknowledging the diversity of contemporary practice, Body Politics considers how the human body as subject in art, is used as a discourse for broader discussions around race, gender, history and politics. The selected works draw together a multitude of voices that explore cultural shifts over the past 50 years, including multiculturalism, colonisation, masculinity, femineity and adolescence.
Works in this space, attest to the enduring significance of our contemporary artists, who continue to push boundaries and challenge dominant narratives.
Bendigo Art Gallery acknowledges the support of the Department of Education and Training through the Strategic Partnerships Program.